NPC deputy Shen Tiemei: Talent cultivation essential for substance in cultural facilities

By JAMES ALEXANDER Updated: 2021-03-05

NPC deputy Shen Tiemei: Talent cultivation essential for substance in cultural facilities.jpg

NPC representative Shen Tiemei has been deeply involved in the cultural field in China for over 40 years. [Photo/]

"It's possible to establish a joint mechanism between cultural units and colleges to focus on rearing talented professionals. This way, we can avoid the embarrassing situation of lacking elite talent for our cultural institutions, whilst also enriching cultural life for the people."

Cultural development

Shen Tiemei, a deputy to the National People's Congress, has been deeply involved in the cultural field for more than 40 years.

Regarding cultural development in the 14th Five-Year Plan, Shen Tiemei stated that while the construction of basic cultural facilities is important, more attention should be paid to the training of professional cultural talents to avoid the situation of having no elite talent to go with them.

Restructuring needed to resolve shortcomings

Shen Tiemei loves to see the local cultural facilities every time she goes to perform in towns and villages.

"I have noticed in recent years that ever more specialized cultural facilities have been installed in streets, towns, and villages, which gives ordinary people more options to experience a more cultured lifestyle."

During an interview, Shen Tiemei holds statistical data from the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development in her hand. As of the end of 2019, Chongqing has built a total of 39 libraries with 1433 sub-branches, and 39 cultural centers with 1,038 sub-branches for all districts and counties.

However, she has also discovered two shortcomings in these facilties. One is the lack of talented and professional management, while the other is a relatively scarcity of cultural projects.

"Looking at the number of venues, the spiritual and cultural life of residents should be very substantial. However, the objective situation is that many venues are there for show, but have little substance."

"Therefore, I have suggested the country should avoid focusing on hardware investment while neglecting strategic investment in talent."

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