NPC deputy Shen Tiemei: Talent cultivation essential for substance in cultural facilities

By JAMES ALEXANDER Updated: 2021-03-05

NPC deputy Shen Tiemei: Talent cultivation essential for substance in cultural facilities.jpeg

Shen Tiemei, a deputy to the National People's Congress has emphasized the need to cultivate talent so that cultrual life among the people can have more substance. [Photo/]

Cultivate more cultural talent

Shen Tiemei has suggested giving more play to the social influence of celebrities.

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), a major project will be implemented to cultivate high-quality talent for art management.

Shen Tiemei said that it is possible to establish a common mechanism between employers and colleges to offer training for personnel, which can allow schools to focus on the cultivation of talent according to social needs and employer requirements, as well as to enhance professional capabilities.

In addition, talent cultivated by schools will be encouraged to gain work experience and adapt to future working environments in advance.

Further suggestions include a greater output of talent in the fields of high-tech and art management, as well as a strong dedication to foster talent in areas where personnel is in short supply.

Policies and measures need improvement, the entrepreneurial environment requires optimization, and more importance should be attached to the role of talent in cultural development.

"Only when venues are staffed with high-quality talent can the cultural life of people be truly realized," concluded Shen.

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