Xinjiang villagers warmed by an NPC deputy from Jiangsu Updated: 2022-01-18

On Jan 7, a donation ceremony was held in Upal town of Shufu county, Kashgar in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region where more than 3,500 articles of winter clothing in over 230 boxes were delivered to local people's congress.

All the donated clothes were collected by He Jianzhong, a three-term deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC) and Party secretary of China Post Group's Taixing branch in Jiangsu province, during charity campaigns in institutions, schools, communities and enterprises.

Two days after the ceremony, Cui Jiuxiu, an NPC deputy based in Shufu county, distributed the clothes to local residents in need, with the help of deputies to the local people's congress.

Distribution sites were also set up at five grassroots liaison stations in Upal town, so that people of all ethnic groups can collect clothing based on their own needs.


Deputies to the local people's congress distribute the clothes to local residents in need. [Photo/]

"Thanks to deputy He Jianzhong, this winter is no longer cold for us. The clothes are clean and fit well, and everyone likes them very much. It is a winter full of warmth and love," said a local resident.

Over the past years, He has organized public welfare activities and shouldered his responsibilities with practical action.

After hearing that people in remote areas in Xinjiang had just been lifted out of poverty and in need of help, He reached out to Cui through the Liaison Bureau of the Deputies of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

Cui explained the situation in Upal town to He, then the donation campaign started at the beginning of December 2021.

He sent the clothes to Upal by air mail after carefully inspecting, cleaning and classifying the items. At the end of December 2021, the clothes sent from Jiangsu arrived at the town in two shipments.

The Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and the working committee of the people's congress of Kashgar paid great attention to He's noble and charitable deed on behalf of the ethnic people in border areas.

During the New Year's Day holiday, the standing committee of the people's congress of Shufu county and the presidium of the people's congress of Upal town organized deputies to the local people's congresses to unpack, sort, register, and repack the clothing to ensure that it would be delivered to the residents as quickly as possible.

In the future, Cui said, the town will take this event as an opportunity to carry out the "10,000 Deputies visiting 10,000 Homes" campaign in various forms, get the Party's policies to the doorstep of every resident in a timely manner, and listen to the voices of the people.

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