NPC Standing Committee to release 2022 legislative agenda Updated: 2022-04-18

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) will soon release its legislative agenda for 2022, said Zang Tiewei, spokesperson for the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee, at a press conference on April 14.

Zang said the preliminary plan was approved in principle in November 2021 and finalized at the 114th meeting of the Council of Chairpersons of the 13th NPC Standing Committee on April 11, in line with the spirit of the fifth session of the 13th NPC and suggestions raised by lawmakers during the session.

According to the agenda, 15 legislative bills will continue to be reviewed, 24 new bills will be presented to the top legislature for first reading, and more than 20 entries will go through preliminary review, Zang noted.

He said the legislative work this year aligns with the arrangements of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, responds to the people's aspiration for a better life, and accommodates the needs of modernizing the national governance system and capacity, as well as the goal of fully building a modern socialist country.

The Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee will earnestly implement the legislative plan with enhanced quality and efficiency, strengthen legislation in key areas, emerging areas and foreign-related areas, and constantly improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, he added.

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