NPC Standing Committee to review draft energy law Updated: 2022-05-30

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) is scheduled to review the draft energy law, according to its legislative plan for 2022.

China has enacted specific laws on mineral resources, coal, electricity, energy conservation and renewable energy, which however are not enough to resolve contradictions between development and utilization in the whole energy system.

Deputies to the fifth session of the 13th NPC in March submitted motions on speeding up the legislation, looking to address energy issues in China, which is the largest energy consumer and a major producer in the world.

Some motions argued that the new legislation can improve the legal system for the energy sector, advance energy revolution, and ensure energy security. It's necessary to coordinate the use of traditional energy sources with the development of new ones, increase energy efficiency, and enhance consistency in decision-making between different departments, according to the motions.

The motions also called for establishing a comprehensive regulatory framework for energy security, management, utilization, imports and legal liability, improving universal energy service system, and promoting integrated development of the energy sector and ecological protection. Endeavors should also be made to crack down on energy-related crimes, according to these motions.

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