Top legislature mulls establishing new working body

Xinhua Updated: 2023-06-27

BEIJING -- The National People's Congress (NPC), the top legislature, is mulling to establish a new commission on work related to NPC deputies under its Standing Committee.

The draft decision on the establishment of the new working body was submitted on Monday to the ongoing session of the NPC Standing Committee for deliberation.

The establishment of the commission on work related to NPC deputies was underlined in a plan on reforming Party and state institutions, which was adopted at the second plenary session of the 20th Communist Party of China Central Committee, as a key point of deepening the institutional reform of the NPC.

As a working body of the NPC Standing Committee, the new commission will be responsible for allocating quotas of NPC deputies, qualification review, and liaison services, according to the draft.

It will also formulate regulations concerning deputies' group inspection tours, special research projects, and maintaining contact with the people, as well as guide and coordinate relevant work, read the draft.

The functions of the new commission will also include supervision of NPC deputies' performance of duties, coordinating efforts to train the deputies, among others, according to the draft.

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