Senior Chinese legislator visits Uganda

Updated: 2023-11-30

At the invitation of the Parliament of Uganda, Losang Jamcan, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress, led a delegation to Uganda from Nov 22 to 24, where he met with Yoweri Museveni, president of Uganda, and Thomas Tayebwa, deputy speaker of the Parliament of Uganda.

Losang said that under the guidance of the two heads of state, China-Uganda relations have entered the best period in history, which has brought tangible benefits to the people of both countries.

He noted that China is willing to work with Uganda to enhance the synergy of the two countries' development strategies, strengthen exchanges and cooperation between their legislative bodies, push for new achievements in China-Uganda comprehensive cooperative partnership and safeguard the common interests of developing countries.

He expressed best wishes for the success of the 19th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement and the Third South Summit to be hosted by Uganda, and introduced the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's ethnic policies and policies toward Africa during the meetings.

The Ugandan side thanked China for its valuable support for its economic and social development, highlighting the friendship between the two countries as an outstanding example of solidarity and cooperation among developing countries. They also reiterated their firm commitment to the one-China principle, and expressed willingness to expand cooperation in trade, investment and financing under the frameworks of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation so as to achieve mutual benefit and common development.

During his visit, Losang also inspected key cooperative projects, such as the China-Uganda Friendship Agricultural Technology Demonstration Center, and held discussions with representatives of Chinese-funded institutions in Uganda.

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