China improves system for recording, reviewing normative documents

Xinhua Updated: 2024-01-03

BEIJING -- Lawmakers passed a decision on improving and strengthening the system of recording and review at the just-concluded standing committee session of the top legislature, providing an important institutional guarantee for work in this regard.

The system of recording and review is an important mechanism to ensure the implementation of the Constitution and the law and safeguard the unity of China's legal system. It involves the duty of constitutional and legal supervision that the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee performs.

The Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee received 2,827 review suggestions from citizens and organizations in 2023, according to a work report presented to the NPC Standing Committee.

Based on suggestions submitted by citizens and organizations, carrying out reviews upon request is a basic approach within the system of recording and review, according to Yan Dongfeng, an official with the Legislative Affairs Commission.

More efforts will be made to streamline channels for people to express their opinions and demands, improve the online platform for submitting review suggestions, and optimize processes including research, review and feedback, said Yan. 

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