Senior legislator urges joint efforts for greater national interests

Xinhua Updated: 2024-01-31

BEIJING -- A senior lawmaker has called on compatriots across the Taiwan Strait and overseas Chinese to work together for the greater national interests, and advance the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and the course of China's peaceful reunification.

Zheng Jianbang, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress and chairman of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang (RCCK), made the remarks at a Chinese New Year gathering of the RCCK Central Committee on Tuesday.

Speaking highly of the RCCK's work in 2023, Zheng said it will unite more closely around the Communist Party of China Central Committee in the new year, and unremittingly strive for Chinese modernization to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China with more outstanding achievements.

He Baoxiang, vice-chairman of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and executive vice-chairman of the RCCK Central Committee, presided over the event. 

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