Briefing held in preparation for upcoming annual top legislature session

Xinhua Updated: 2024-02-04

BEIJING -- A briefing for lawmakers was held Friday in preparation for the upcoming second session of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) scheduled to open on March 5.

Attendees were briefed on the work of the NPC Standing Committee since the first session of the 14th NPC last year, and preliminary arrangements for work in 2024.

A total of 34 legislative bills have so far been deliberated by the Standing Committee of the 14th NPC. Of those, 20 have been adopted, among which six laws were formulated, seven existing laws were revised and seven decisions on legal issues and major issues were made, according to the briefing.

Officials from the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance also briefed attendees on the implementation of the 2023 Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the central budget for 2023, as well as fiscal work.

Relevant reports will be available to all deputies to the 14th NPC via a digital platform ahead of the upcoming annual session. 

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