Legal experts emphasize importance of constitutional reforms for China's modernization Updated: 2024-07-25

Legal professionals are urging China to deepen legislative reforms and ensure the full implementation of the Constitution to promote development across various sectors and advance the country's modernization efforts.

At a seminar hosted by China University of Political Science and Law on Monday, experts discussed a resolution adopted at the third plenary session of the 20th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, which concluded in Beijing last week. The resolution calls for comprehensive reforms to support Chinese modernization and emphasizes the importance of the rule of law as a fundamental guarantee in this process.

The resolution highlights the need to improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, centered on the Constitution. It also calls for enhancing systems to ensure the Constitution's full implementation and establishing a reporting mechanism on its enforcement.

"The Constitution is our greatest confidence and support in achieving national prosperity and rejuvenation, so it's essential to boost public recognition of this fundamental law and safeguard its authority," said Jiao Hongchang, a law professor at the university.

Mo Jihong, head of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' Institute of Law, stressed the Constitution's critical role in the country's reform journey. "The reform of the rule of law is the guarantee or prerequisite for deepening reforms in other areas, and it must be based on the Constitution," he said.

Xu Anbiao, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the top legislature, stated that ensuring constitutional implementation and strengthening legal supervision are major tasks in deepening legislative reforms. He also noted the importance of diversifying legislative approaches and conducting research on legislative issues related to important, emerging, and foreign-related fields.

The seminar also saw heated discussions among legal experts on the relationship between reform, security, opening-up, and the rule of law.

Ma Huaide, president of China University of Political Science and Law, suggested that the legal community conduct in-depth research on the rule of law's reform, aiming to transform research findings into a strong driving force for promoting high-quality development.

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