Legislative steps improve congress system to better reflect voice of the people

China Daily Updated: 2025-03-05

China has stepped up efforts to improve the people's congress system through legislation over the past few years, so as to promote whole-process people's democracy that enables the Chinese people to be more broadly involved in national governance.

In China's political system, the people exercise State power through the National People's Congress, the top legislature, and people's congresses at provincial, city, county and township levels, ensuring that their interests are reflected in the decision-making process.

For nearly 3,000 NPC deputies attending the third session of the 14th National People's Congress, a major task is to further review the draft amendment to the Law on Deputies to the National People's Congress and to the Local People's Congresses at Various Levels.

The current law was enacted by the NPC in 1992. It underwent partial amendments in 2009, 2010 and 2015, according to the NPC Standing Committee.

Before the latest deliberation, the draft amendment was discussed by the NPC Standing Committee in November and December.

It is significant to amend the law as it is closely related to strengthening the protection and oversight of deputies, according to Tong Weidong, an official from the NPC Standing Committee's Legislative Affairs Commission.

He noted that the changes to the law, along with some other amended laws, will play a role in ensuring the sound operation of the fundamental political system and advancing whole-process people's democracy.

Generally, a draft becomes law after being reviewed three times by the NPC Standing Committee. However, if a piece of legislation is closely related to the nation's fundamental issues and people's basic interests, such as institutional reforms to State organs or regulating civil activities, it must be further deliberated by all NPC members.

Taking a people-centered approach to legislation, China has modified several other laws in recent years to streamline the workflow of the people's congresses at each level, so that the system can guarantee that the people are the masters of the country, the NPC Standing Committee said.

In 2023, China adopted an amendment to the Legislation Law, which allows the greater participation of deputies to people's congresses in legislative activities, including lawmaking and the inspection of law enforcement.

The country also updated rules for members of the NPC Standing Committee that year, ordering them to strengthen their connection with deputies, especially those from grassroots areas, by various means to more deeply understand people's opinions and respond in a timely manner to the public's concerns.

In 2022, the amendment to the Organic Law of the Local People's Congresses and Local People's Governments was passed, clarifying that local legislative bodies and governmental organs should put the people first, and requiring county-level legislatures to establish work stations in communities to maintain closer ties with the people.

In 2021, China also adopted the amended Organic Law and Procedural Rules of the NPC. The amendments of the two legal documents urged the NPC and its standing committee to provide deputies with more chances to participate in legislative activities and make legislative information more transparent to the public.

In addition to the legislative efforts, outreach offices have been set up to encourage more people to participate in national governance and raise their suggestions on social development.

Such offices act as a bridge between the people and lawmakers, giving public advice directly to the country's top legislature and making the collection of suggestions from various walks of life more efficient.

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