• NPC deputy on promoting Chinese culture overseas

    CultureMarch 11, 2021

    Liao Changyong, NPC deputy, president of Shanghai Conservatory of Music and also a world-renowned baritone, shares his view with Xinhua on promoting Chinese culture overseas.

  • Tibetan NPC deputy on cultural development

    CultureMarch 10, 2021

    Tibetan lawmaker Tashi Dorje from Qinghai Province, NW China, has a day job that gives him access to everyday people. As a singer, he travels across rural areas to perform and takes every opportunity to listen to the wants and needs of the people who live there.

  • NPC deputy promotes Hunan embroidery, traditional culture

    Traditional cultureMarch 08, 2021

    Cheng Xinxiang, an embroidery master with over 30 years of experience, has been trying to inherit Hunan embroidery and the traditional culture behind it to make the art walk into the modern life and close to the public.

  • NPC deputy focuses on rural vitalization

    Rural vitalizationMarch 07, 2021

    For this year, 34-year-old Chen Piao has worked out a busy schedule as secretary of the Muba village Communist Party of China branch in southeastern Hainan province.

  • NPC deputy Shen Tiemei: Talent cultivation essential for substance in cultural facilities

    CultureMarch 05, 2021

    Shen Tiemei, a deputy to the National People's Congress, has been deeply involved in the cultural field for more than 40 years.

  • NPC deputy an e-commerce success story

    E-commerceMarch 04, 2021

    Livestreaming and e-commerce have not only changed the fortunes of Liang Qianjuan, a farmer from Gansu province, but also others in her home village.

  • Monba deputy pays back hometown with teaching

    EducationMarch 04, 2021

    Ethnic-Monba teacher Kelsang Dekyi understands deeply the importance of education, and she chooses to work in a remote place as an opportunity to devote her efforts to help her people in the Tibet autonomous region.

  • NPC deputy: Traditional Chinese medicine plays an important role in the pandemic

    Traditional Chinese medicineMarch 03, 2021

    As China's Two Sessions approaches, Li Yanpin, deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC) and vice-president of the Chongqing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital took part in the live broadcast held by Chongqing Daily to communicate with netizens on Feb 23.

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