Huang Maoxing, a deputy to China's National People's Congress from Fujian province, has called for greater efforts to align domestic economic and trade practices with global standards, laying a solid foundation for a new open economic system.
The process for handling suggestions from deputies is set to be standardized in a draft amendment to the Law on Deputies to the National People's Congress and to the Local People's Congresses at Various Levels.
NPC deputies shared their views during the “two sessions”.
National lawmakers and political advisers from Hong Kong on Monday said they are keen to learn more about progress with national development and to further the city's integration into national development as they departed for Beijing to attend the national two sessions.
NPC deputies shared their views before the “two sessions”.
Gexi Wangmu, a deputy to the 14th National People's Congress (NPC), serves as the director of an elderly care center in Maerkang City. As a "post-90s" NPC deputy who started out as a frontline elderly care worker, Gexi has dedicated 16 years to her profession.
As a "post-80s" NPC deputy, Sheng Hong is both a witness and practitioner of whole-process people's democracy. Sheng has always been listening to the needs of residents and their opinions and suggestions on legislative work.
As China prepares for the third session of the 14th National People's Congress in early March, the pivotal role of NPC deputies in addressing the nation's most pressing challenges remains at the forefront. Representing a diverse array of professions and backgrounds, these deputies have consistently worked to propose and advance solutions to a wide range of economic, social, and technological issues.